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名片|business card

6 Dec


Nínhǎo! Zhè shì wǒ de míngpiàn.

Hello! This is my business card.

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Micro Class Learning|Shopping in a fruit store

6 Dec

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24节气:小雪这7个习俗你都了解吗?24 solar terms:Do you know the 7 customs of “Minor Snow”?

22 Nov


The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Minor Snow, (Chinese: 小雪), the 20th solar term of the year, begins this year on Nov 22 and ends on Dec 6.


Minor Snow refers to the time when it starts to snow, mostly in China’s northern areas, and the temperature continues to drop.


Here are seven things you should know about Minor Snow.


Lightly snowy winter


An ancient Chinese book about plants explains that “in Minor Snow, the weather is cold and it is going to snow; while the earth is not frozen enough and the snow is light.” The temperature of most areas in the north drops to zero degrees and below. While in the lower and middle reaches of the Yellow River, the average time of the first snow is in the Minor Snow solar term. The snow is light and frozen at night, but melts quickly during the day.


Wearing hats and scarves


In China, starting in Minor Snow, the wind blows from the northeast a lot. Because it is not bitter yet, many people do not yet wear hats or scarves. In fact, according to an old Chinese saying, “the head is the place where all passages of the body gather”. It is sensible to beware that one’s head can’t be frozen.


Drinking soup


During Minor Snow, indoor heating begins to work. Thus the air indoors is dry and most people might feel their nose and mouth are dry. Their inner heat energy can’t get out. Symptoms appear, including dental ulcers or more pimples on a person’s face. The way to solve this problem is to drink more hot soup, such as cabbage with bean curd soup, spinach with bean curd soup and mutton with radish soup.


Eating glutinous rice cake


In some areas of south China, people have glutinous rice cakes in the early 10th lunar month, which is around Minor Snow. In ancient times, glutinous rice cake was a traditional festival offering to the bull god used by peasants.


Making preserved pork


After Minor Snow, the temperature declines sharply and the air becomes dry. It is the best time to start making preserved pork. Until the Chinese Spring Festival, it will be well made and enjoyed. In the past, when storage conditions were poor, people created many ways to store food. Preserved pork is one of them. Thus even in the bitter winter, the whole family could enjoy meat without going out. Some even say preserved pork tastes more delicious than fresh meat.


Making pickled vegetables


For thousands of years, the people of Nanjing, Jiangsu province have welcomed Minor Snow with pickled vegetables cooked in different ways.


Nanjing is known for its pickled vegetables. In the past, due to inconvenient transportation, vegetables sold in Nanjing were few and expensive. Thus people there made pickled vegetables for the winter.


Avoiding spicy food


On cold days, people want to have some hot and spicy food to keep warm. Experts say that it is wise not to eat overly spicy food, since that will enhance inner heat.

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Why learn Mandarin Chinese? These are probably the most moving answers in the world 为什么要学汉语?这可能是世上最动人的答案!

13 Nov

Volume I

Perseverance is difficult on the journey of learning Mandarin. 学习汉语路上,最难的就是坚持。

Tests, jobs, going abroad… 考试,工作,出国……

Take a look at the 5 quotations below when these reasons are not enough to uphold your persistence. 这些理由也不足以支撑你坚持下去时。看看这5条语录吧

They’ll boost your energy to max in no time. 分分钟让你动力满满!

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.
‒Nelson Mandela
One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.
‒Frank Smith
The limits of my language are the limits of my world.
‒Ludwig Wittgenstein
Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can; there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.
‒Sarah Caldwell
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
‒Chinese Proverb

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Talk to Your Chinese Friends about NBA (volume I)

13 Nov

Uncle Jim ·SpeakMandarin

Do you know what the most popular international sports league is in China?

It is NBA with local viewers over 200 million. You have fairly good chance to find someone in China to share about the beloved game. After all, athletic spirit is universal.


The new NBA season officially started on October 23. In the very first game, Los Angles Lakers, led by superstar (LeBron) James and (Anthony) Davis lost to Los Angles Clippers led by (Kawhi) Leonard.

refers to season (games). Some people use 季(jì) 赛(sài), the exact mirror of “season” +“games”.
How about “playoffs”? 季(jì) 后(hòu) 赛(sài) (season after games 😊)
Frequently-used word in sports meaning “the very first game” (of a series or season).
Refers to superstar (in sports & entertainment)


Here comes the question. In China, how to express foreign names of a person or a city?

Normally, Chinese use characters with similar sounds to mirror syllables in names. For example,

James = 詹(zhān) 姆(mǔ) 斯(sī)        Davis = 戴(dài) 维(wéi) 斯(sī)

In certain cases, names are spoken following long-term traditions. For example, Los Angles = 洛(luò) 杉(shān) 矶(jī) . It comes from old times and people just keep using it for convenience sake.

My advice to fans about saying NBA players’ names : instead of remembering all the Chinese characters, you can simply use the English names on players’ jerseys – most are family names. You should be able to make yourself understood most of the time.

Occasionally, nicknames are better known than players real names among fans. For example, Anthony Davis, the former Pelicans star, is widely known as 浓(nóng) 眉(méi) 哥(gē) or “thick eyebrow brother”. Bucks star Giannis Antetokounmpo is called 字(zì) 母(mǔ) 哥(gē), or “Alphabet brother”. I guess we all know why 😉


Which team you think has a better chance win the NBA championship? Leave your ideas.

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31 Oct

Dude~ Try to learn something before you tattoo your bodies! ()

[Edited by Serena @SpeakMandarin]

Note:what does“吐槽(Tǔcáo)”mean? It can be interpreted as spitslot, good-natured jokes, or making comments with a sarcastic tone.

The increasing popularity of Chinese culture in recent years makes many foreigners fall in love with tattoos in Chinese characters. Due to a lack of knowledge about Chinese language or the culture behind it, many tattoo artists often produce some very hilarious or awkward works.

For instance, the Chinese characters “脑白金(nǎo bái jīn)” as you saw in a cursive style were tattooed on a man’s arm. It looks pretty cool?

Don you know脑白金nǎo báijīn)”is actually the name of a popular health care product for seniors in China?…

脑白金should really thank the young man for advertising their products on the body. Perhaps his tattoo artist wanted to tell him that “脑brain=wisdom, 白white=purity, 金gold=wealth”. However, it is incorrect to assume that a Chinese phrase’s meaning is simply based on the assembled literal meaning of each word in the phrase. I have to say, a cute guy was ruined by his ridiculous tattoo pattern……

Then, shift your attention to the Chinese characters “思考致富” on the chest of a cool guy.

“思考致富(Sīkǎo zhìfù)” means “Thinking about getting rich.” I bet this guy borrowed a slogan printed on the bag for some China’s Chemical fertilizer … I really want to remind him that merely “thinking”without acting cannot get anyone rich……

The funniest tattoo worth to be roasted is the one on the back of this gorgeous young lady. Probably inspired by an English proverb: “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, she chose a pattern“生活带来您时柠檬做柠檬水”.

Nevertheless, the proper way to express this proverb in Chinese is:Dāng shēnghuó gěile nǐ níngméng, jiù bǎ tā zuò chéng níngméng zhī.“当生活给了你柠檬,就将它做成柠檬汁。”

Meaning: When encountering difficulties and setbacks in life, be brave to face them and take things as they are.

Unfortunately, such great life philosophy definitely could not be conveyed by this lady’s tattoo for its completely unreasonable Chinese grammar. I was wondering if such broken Chinese sentence came from a terrible translation software.

Whereas, Mr. David Beckham’s tattoo, selected from a Chinese old saying, indeed impressed me a lot: shēngsǐ yǒu mìng, fùguì zài tiān“生死有命,富贵在天。

The font design of each Chinese character is particular and full of artistic feeling; this sense is also a good fit for him.

So, what does this old saying mean?

I will explain it in my next article, stay tuned…

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#Business Chinese#How to invite your Chinese partner to dinner

29 Oct

In China, there are many ways to Contributes the cooperation, “Date dinner” is one of them.

People always eat and drink before they make a deal, and most contracts are signed at dinner table. Because dinner table is a good place for reserved Chinese people to completely open themselves, it can quickly shorten the distance between each other.

So, how to ” Date dinner “in China ? let me show you!

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Chinese urban dictionary\宅男、宅女

28 Oct

Do you have a friend who is like to play Switch games or like to read comic books at home?

What do you call them?

Do you have a friend who is like to stay at home, order takeaway food, even work at home without going out for a long time? What do you call them?

We call them”宅男”(zhái nán)or”宅女”(zhái nǚ) in Chinese.

宅( zhái )means house 男( nán )is male 女( nǚ )is female。

“宅男” (zhái nán) and”宅女” (zhái nǚ) are originated from Japanese word ”御宅族”(Otaku). In Chinese, it always mean the people who like to stay at home or don’t like to social. In nowadays, “宅男” (zhái nán) “宅女” (zhái nǚ) are also can used to call the people who are fond of ACGN(Anime, Comic, Game, Novel) in Chinese.

My mother in law likes to stay at home

and watch TV all day, so I always make fun of her

by calling her a “宅女” (zhái nǚ) .

Myself also like to work at home and

maybe that’s why I chose this job.

(I’m just kidding, I love being a Chinese teacher)

Are you a 宅男 (zhái nán) or 宅女 (zhái nǚ) ?

Do you like to be a 宅男 (zhái nán) or 宅女 (zhái nǚ) ?

Do you mind to be called 宅男 (zhái nán) or 宅女 (zhái nǚ) ?

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移动支付 Mobile Payment

13 Mar

我们马上就要进入无现金时代了。你有没有发现从早上起床开始,一直到晚上下班回家,这期间我们可以不用带钱包,只需要带一部手机就可以完成所有的交易(jiāo yì – transaction)。公交、地铁,早餐、午餐、晚餐,饮料、蔬菜、面包、零食……一切都可以通过手机来支付。

我们不仅可以很方便地花自己的钱,而且还能(jiè – borrow)钱花。手机支付只是移动支付的一种,现在移动支付方式中,以第三方支付机构为主流(zhǔ liú – mainstream),包括支付宝、微信、云闪付。由此可见,人们对于无现金,已经开始慢慢适应(shì yìng – adapted)了。你最常用哪种移动支付? 日文版开通优惠 SpeakMandarin.com日本語サイト運営開始キャンペーン

7 Feb












